dds module

class PFFlags(value)

Values which indicate what type of data is in the surface.


Texture contains alpha data (pixel_bitmasks[3] contains valid data).


Used in some older DDS files for alpha channel only uncompressed data (pixel_size contains the alpha channel bitcount; pixel_bitmasks[3] contains valid data).


Texture contains compressed RGB data; four_cc contains valid data.

RGB = 64

Texture contains uncompressed RGB data; pixel_size and the RGB masks (pixel_bitmasks[0:3]) contain valid data.

YUV = 512

Used in some older DDS files for YUV uncompressed data (pixel_size contains the YUV bit count; pixel_bitmasks[0] contains the Y mask, pixel_bitmasks[1] contains the U mask, pixel_bitmasks[2] contains the V mask).

LUMINANCE = 131072

Used in some older DDS files for single channel color uncompressed data (pixel_size contains the luminance channel bit count; pixel_bitmasks[0] contains the channel mask). Can be combined with ALPHAPIXELS for a two channel uncompressed DDS file.

class DDSFlags(value)

Flags to indicate which members contain valid data.

CAPS = 1

Required in every .dds file.


Required in every .dds file.


Required in every .dds file.


Required when pitch is provided for an uncompressed texture.


Required in every .dds file.


Required when mipmap_count is provided for a mipmapped texture.

LINEAR_SIZE = 524288

Required when pitch is provided for a compressed texture.

DEPTH = 8388608

Required when depth is provided for a depth texture.

class Caps0(value)

Flags to indicate surface complexity


Optional; must be used on any file that contains more than one surface (a mipmap, a cubic environment map, or mipmapped volume texture).

MIPMAP = 4194304

Optional; should be used for a mipmap.

TEXTURE = 4096


final class DDSFile

A microsoft DDS file, containing header information and one or more textures

For more information, see microsoft’s Reference for DDS.

magic = b'DDS '

Magic bytes at the start of every DDS file.

extension = 'dds'

Extension for a DDS file.

header_bytes = 124

The size of a DDS header in bytes.


Flags to indicate which members contain valid data.

size: Tuple[int, int]

Width and height of the texture or its first mipmap

pitch: int

The pitch or number of bytes per row in an uncompressed texture; the total number of bytes in the top level texture for a compressed texture.

depth: int

Depth of a volume texture (in pixels), otherwise unused.

mipmap_count: int

Number of mipmap levels, otherwise unused.


Flags representing which pixel format data is valid.

four_cc: str

FourCC code of the texture format. Valid texture format strings are DXT1, DXT2, DXT3, DXT4, or DXT5. If a DirectX 10 header is used, this is DX10.

pixel_size: int

Number of bits in each pixel if the texture is uncompressed

pixel_bitmasks: Tuple[int, int, int, int]

Tuple of bitmasks for each channel

caps: Tuple[, int, int, int]

Specifies the complexity of the surfaces stored.

textures: List

A list of bytes objects for each texture in the file


The format used by this dds file

save(path: os.PathLike) None

Save the DDSFile to a file :param path: string or path-like object to write to

decode(mip: int = 0, *args, **kwargs) PIL.Image.Image

Decode a single texture in the file to images :param mip: the mip level to decode. Default: 0 :return: The decoded image

decode_all(*args, **kwargs) List[PIL.Image.Image]

Decade all textures in the file to images :return: the decoded images